~Beautiful Candles~

Don't you just love these re-dipped candles? Such an easy project too. You can also add your favorite essence oil to make scented candles....

Embed flowers onto a candle by affixing dried flowers to the surface, then over-dipping in clear wax. This technique works especially well with interestingly shaped leaves and flat blooms.

Use a dab of Stick-um to affix the dried flowers or leaves to the candle. Do this to each flower until the arrangement is complete, making sure the flowers remain flat against the candle.

In a
9-inch dipping can, set in the bottom of a double boiler over medium heat, melt the wax
. Heat to 205 degrees Fahrenheit. (Be extra vigilant at these temperatures.)Holding the candle by the wick, carefully dip it in the wax. Hold for 5 seconds. Remove and make sure the flowers are flat.

Dip again for 5 seconds. Remove and leave to dry for 2 hours. Trim the wick to 1/4 inch and you are
ready to light your candle.

~Beautiful Weekend~

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend !!
Did you try the yummy potato soup? I hope so, it was so warm and delicious.
I put the final touches on the trim paint, I just love fresh painted woodwork, in a bright white gloss, everything just looks so fresh and bright.
I also found the time to catch up with some friends this weekend too, which is always the sunshine of my week. A little girl talk, soothes the soul. You ladies are definitely my sunshine.

Till Next Time,