Yellow Door and some thoughts...

traditionally my front door has always been black...not that I liked it, it was okay and it was semi neutral...but, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and just go for a lot of things in my life, I am a matter of fact, that word in 72 font is hanging proudly in my office.  "EVOLVE"...
It definitely is not about a front door, it is about me and the things in my life that I have only accepted and moved on...
When did I stop going for it! and Why? I have been living with what I feel is the safe side of the street.  Accepting what is and not doing one thing to change it. Even if the "what is" isn't good or even me for that matter. 
Maybe it is me the me deep inside that feels it is time to come back to life.  I liked her. I liked being her.  I have let life and others dictate my choices.  I can share my life, but I can't live my life trying to please other people.  My life for the most part has been trying to bring happiness to others and without realizing it, I have neglected myself....and gradually stopped being me? and doing what I wanted, and how I wanted to do things...
It was a wake up call for things that make YOU happy and do them the way you choose to do them.  without guilt.  :)