family time around the najour house......

weekends around our house usually consist of saturday things, you know shopping, catching up on the laundry, de-furring the house from our furry man of the house "Rocky"... and on occasion when the girls come home, we get to do girl things together... lots of laughing, shopping, baking & movies... this weekend was suppose to be getting tax papers organized... ewwww... but, that was the plan. I had a wonderful surprise when Cori came home...honestly, that sweet girl is so full of life and movie day becomes an event.. the food has to coordinate with the theme of the movie.. the last visit was French day....midnight in Paris (crepes)..julie & julia (croque monsieur)

this weekend she & Erin did a little shopping and came home with movies & sugary sprinkles & pink frosting.... my girls love all things "pink"!!!!

perfect girls day.... and,

I definitely have a strong affection for garlic and cheese biscuits,.... love them..... this morning i decided.. a spicey omelette with garlic & cheese biscuts would somehow motivate me to start organizing files for the dreaded tax season.... 

and i couldn't resist using the new $5.00 thrifted bunny platter... Score!!! a steal of a deal...
now.... off to organize those dreaded files.
till next time..