mother charm bracelet and clogs

my daughter and i were shopping for new clogs for the fall (btw no luck).  We decided to drop by a cute little side shop.  Erin spotted the charm bracelet and she snatched it up before i could see it.... after we had left the shop she gave me the bracelet.....
i was standing outside the shop all teary eyed...unexpected and personal gifts have that affect on me... 
this little lady really melts my heart...

sister time.....

when my sister comes to town one of the first things we plan is our trip to IKEA.. I have to admit we can do some major damage (budget) in that store... I want it all... and then......
there is "spa" day..... It was impossible for me to keep the mask from cracking, she is the most hilarious person... spending the weekend with this amazing lady is nothing short of "spectacular"...

friday night brownies...and miss cori

It's the weekend and I couldn't think of a better way to spend Friday night.  Movie night and brownies....  amazing.... and hoping this little lady comes home this weekend..
selfie... but I think it is such a great pic of her...xoxo  

work place....

one of the students snapped this (unexpected) pic this week...even though it was a "deer in the headlights pic of me),  I didn't have a photo of my self created wishful thinking park slope brownstone... this street view is one of my favorites.  I have a similar poster in my bedroom in lieu of draperies..