a little winter purging

a GORGEOUS day in Atlanta... the sun is shining and it is beau-ti-ful.. with warm temps or at least for December.... the garage is not so good... stacked totes from Christmas and gift wrap everywhere.... so... today, I am supposed to be in there organizing... and purging...
I am sitting on the computer -procrastinating-...
after this cup of tea... I am off to finish the garage... and then to the market to shop for our southern traditional New Years day dinner....

Post Christmas... a little happy a little sad

taking down the Christmas lights and all the pretty bright colors is a little sad, but bringing back the sunlight from the window... and the plants brought inside from the porch.. adds a little cheer.

the plants are happy to be back inside... poor scraggly little guy... my family left today for a looong road trip back home...
I have 1 more week of winter break before school starts 2nd semester.... so, I am going to spend a little time organizing the garage, and closets.... Winter cleaning.. and getting the little brown house back to normal..

(with a little New Years celebration)... :)  

Christmas Eve....

I wanted to pop in for a quick post of our CHRIST-mas celebration at the Najour House, and wishing many many blessings to you and your family for the New Year!

brother and sister....xoxo

Merry Christmas ..............

Cookie Exchange at school

This week I decided to be a team player and participate in our cookie exchange..... I was hesitant... I try to keep it real.. with Christmas cards to finish up, wrapping yet to be done, heck I still have shopping to do.... but.... I joined in on the fun.... hmmm. fun? the kitchen went from......


    & looked like this ALL AFTERNOON.....but,  I had a mission....... I wanted the cut out sugar cookies, with perfectly flooded royal icing... yes, a vision. A pinterest inspired moment....
after I cut the cookies, I gently placed them back in the freezer for a few minutes to help the cookies keep their cute little shape and not puff up like a marshmallow..
so far so good......and then.....
yes.... removed them from the cookie sheet, cooled them and put them in an airtight container.... and then DROPPED the container..... but
11 cookies did survive.....
The cookie story.
The End.

Bed and Tea

today was a not good day... stuffy head, achy body, coughing and just plain yuck... this was pretty much my day....
it started off with hot tea.... hallmark channel and cold meds... and ended up with a hot bath..more tea and more cold meds....
and a cute little Christmas forest beside me....
one more cup of tea and keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be better..

Christmas-ing the little brown house

the Christmas totes have all made their way from the garage to the family room, a trail of glitter covers the floor... and I am exhausted.. I want starbucks... I deserve starbucks.. so much for the mantle.. tomorrow.. I will finish.. I am wrapping up in my cardigan and headed up the street to consume a large chestnut praline latte & hallmark movies...

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so much to be thankful for. 
and I am so very thankful. I strive to never take anything for granted.
As I am working around the house today, trying to check off a huge to-do list before my family arrives early tomorrow, I am reminded again of just how blessed I am.  Enjoy your special time with your family & friends, and I sincerely wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving. 

coffee run in pj's

rain, bedhead, pj's, freezing, coffee run...reality.

puttering around the house.

weekends...are for puttering. period. I need these hours of mindless relaxation.  my "greatest brother on earth" installed a new kitchen faucet for me this afternoon.  I believe my neighbors could see me actually doing a little  "river dance" this afternoon. The handle just plopped off a couple of weeks ago.. no prior warning just plop.
Making a commitment to a new faucet..was a huge one. I knew it wasn't going to be an easy install (the sink had to be removed, and the ugly garbage disposal disconnected), so I googled faucets and reviews until I literally became frustrated.  What I wanted, (an industrial high tech faucet, would have come above my window seal, and you have to keep a button pressed for the water to flow...if in doubt go with your gut..

this is so incredibly out of the norm for me... to just go simple 2 handle faucet, but after reading all the frustrated reviews, this moen won out.  and under the sink plumbing needed 2 pipes replaced from cracks.. nothing goes as simple as planned, new sink strainer, replace pipes, and faucet.  Then I was able to start cleaning, and puttering.. I am beyond grateful for the work he did..
kitchen-ey things... just in time for Thanksgiving preps.

Yellow Door and some thoughts...

traditionally my front door has always been black...not that I liked it, it was okay and it was semi neutral...but, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and just go for it...like a lot of things in my life, I am evolving...as a matter of fact, that word in 72 font is hanging proudly in my office.  "EVOLVE"...
It definitely is not about a front door, it is about me and the things in my life that I have only accepted and moved on...
When did I stop going for it! and Why? I have been living with what I feel is the safe side of the street.  Accepting what is and not doing one thing to change it. Even if the "what is" isn't good or even me for that matter. 
Maybe it is me the me deep inside that feels it is time to come back to life.  I liked her. I liked being her.  I have let life and others dictate my choices.  I can share my life, but I can't live my life trying to please other people.  My life for the most part has been trying to bring happiness to others and without realizing it, I have neglected myself....and gradually stopped being me? and doing what I wanted, and how I wanted to do things...
It was a wake up call for me...do things that make YOU happy and do them the way you choose to do them.  without guilt.  :)

mother charm bracelet and clogs

my daughter and i were shopping for new clogs for the fall (btw no luck).  We decided to drop by a cute little side shop.  Erin spotted the charm bracelet and she snatched it up before i could see it.... after we had left the shop she gave me the bracelet.....
i was standing outside the shop all teary eyed...unexpected and personal gifts have that affect on me... 
this little lady really melts my heart...

sister time.....

when my sister comes to town one of the first things we plan is our trip to IKEA.. I have to admit we can do some major damage (budget) in that store... I want it all... and then......
there is "spa" day..... It was impossible for me to keep the mask from cracking, she is the most hilarious person... spending the weekend with this amazing lady is nothing short of "spectacular"...

friday night brownies...and miss cori

It's the weekend and I couldn't think of a better way to spend Friday night.  Movie night and brownies....  amazing.... and hoping this little lady comes home this weekend..
selfie... but I think it is such a great pic of her...xoxo  

work place....

one of the students snapped this (unexpected) pic this week...even though it was a "deer in the headlights pic of me),  I didn't have a photo of my self created wishful thinking park slope brownstone... this street view is one of my favorites.  I have a similar poster in my bedroom in lieu of draperies..

sand and water

Coffee on the balcony, WITH THIS VIEW.....

and shopping just happens to be in beachside shops that look like this

and your method of transportation looks like this
no traffic, no large crowds, no alarm clocks...
just beautiful pastel painted houses, white sand and blue blue water..
and it doesn't even matter that my hair looks like that! :)

string lights and branches...adding a little sparkle.

With all of the bright sparkle from Christmas now gone and replaced with freezing temps, hibernation, brown grass and spending most of our days inside. It became dreary, dark and depressing.  I craved light... my energy was totally zapped.  I had a snow day from school and I couldn't wait to start bringing some "bright light" energy into this little abode.
First I started with my bedroom window... I used the block poster site to create a window view.  I collected some branches from the backyard and a string of LCD lights.... it is now bright and cheerful.  next..... the kitchen
A few more twigs another string of LCD lights and let the energy flow.... bright and cheery.  Now I believe I can make it until Spring.
Enjoy your weekend.